Pioneer Concert Band
Pioneer Concert Band was formed in year 1999, starting off as a military band. The Band's motto, "Pioneering Great Music", has been the driving force of the band behind its successes through the years. Currently under the baton of Mr Sebastian Koh, Pioneer Concert Band aspires to bring together passionate musicians and scale the greater heights of music, as one band.
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Saturday, November 15, 2008

Pioneer Concert Band launches its official blog!

Actually, there was a blog meant for the band before this, but the blog is dead now, so yeah, here's the new improved one.

Oh, by the way, this is Nurul, the Band Major of PSS Concert Band. Me and Ruby, our Band Librarian, created this blog.

Welcome to our humble blog!

This is where we(any band member of PSS concert band) will post announcements, practice schedules, practice tips, or any other stuff related to band, such as upcoming band concerts.

Disclaimer to band members posting on this blog:
First and most importantly, please do not use vulgar language, or in any way insult others through your posts. Secondly, you are to take full responsibility of your posts on this blog, such as copyright issues, etc. Lastly, I would like to emphasize that this blog is meant for posting band related topics ONLY. If you misconduct, you will be banned from posting for a month.



8:48 PM