Pioneer Concert Band
Pioneer Concert Band was formed in year 1999, starting off as a military band. The Band's motto, "Pioneering Great Music", has been the driving force of the band behind its successes through the years. Currently under the baton of Mr Sebastian Koh, Pioneer Concert Band aspires to bring together passionate musicians and scale the greater heights of music, as one band.
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Monday, January 26, 2009

PSS Concert Band 2001

Our band members of 2001 busy recruiting more sec 1s!

Trumpets & trombones!

French horn section!

Wear the orange uniform with pride! :D

Pioneer Military Band of 2001, in all its glory, performing on stage for the CCA Fair!
Our CCA was quite popular then. =)

Hope you guys enjoyed looking at the photos, I will update some more 'Blast From The Past' band photos soon!


4:43 PM

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Since you guys have been all crazy about the song "Sway"(sung by Micheal Buble), I thought of putting the band version of "Sway" up on the blog. Haha, Kasmani & Umairah have been singing at band practice and I have been crazy over playing this song.

Its performed by Western Michigan University Bronco Marching Band in their 2007 concert, so all performance and videography credit goes to them.

Their playing is superb! :D
I hope when sec ones come in, we can reach a higher level in the band in terms of performance, and hopefully, we can play this song! (If you guys really do play this song in band practice/concert one day, contact me okay!)

12:43 AM

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Hey guys, for those of you who didn't turn up for band practice today, just to inform you, there will be a school concert held in March for all the performing arts groups and the band is asked to perform.

Mr Koh is going to bring pieces for us to rehearse for this concert, so please please please turn up for the band practices. Especially because from February onwards, the sec 1s are joining us in our band practices.

Your committment is necessary for change in the band culture!

10:01 PM

Monday, January 19, 2009


CCA Fair, 16 January 2009.

Sec 1s trying out the drums!

No comments! =P

Suhashini so cute. Haha.

Poster front view.

Poster back view.

Our saxophonists & clarinetist! Atifah, Kasmani AKA Drum Major, and Amira AKA Iki!
REHEARSAL! Just a few minutes away from the actual performance..

LMAO!. Can't help but laugh looking at the band geek conducting you guys... My conducting was spastic, to say the least.. lol.

Atifah & 'Ponyo'!

Suha's candid pose. =D

Concentrate, concentrate..

Presenting the flutes section! Rafidah and Ruby.

And our drummer Haszrul!

To say the least, I think everyone did a great job on the preparation of the CCA fair, especially to those who sacrificed their time off to help make the doorgifts & banners, I want to express my
gratitude with a big THANK YOU.

Thank you to Kasmani[DM], all the bandsmen, teachers & Mr Ed for making this possible.


6:27 PM

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Upcoming practice:
This Tuesday, 2.30pm at R16 classroom.

"An ounce of practice is worth more than tons of preaching." -Mahatma Gandhi

2:12 PM

Monday, January 5, 2009

Just a reminder, there will be a concert by Manjusri Secondary, mbrosia at the Singapore Conference Hall this Saturday, 10 January 2009 at 7.30pm. Tickets are priced at $12 each. If you are interested, please call/sms me[Nurul] to reserve a ticket for this concert. There will be 3 other guest bands, Chai Chee Secondary, Gan Eng Seng School and Victoria School.


2:52 PM