Pioneer Concert Band
Pioneer Concert Band was formed in year 1999, starting off as a military band. The Band's motto, "Pioneering Great Music", has been the driving force of the band behind its successes through the years. Currently under the baton of Mr Sebastian Koh, Pioneer Concert Band aspires to bring together passionate musicians and scale the greater heights of music, as one band.
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Friday, February 20, 2009

My fellow bandsmen,

To be a good musician, it is not enough only by having good individual sound, you must also listen to other professional musicians to have a good concept/idea of what your instrument should sound like.

In music, there are 2 very important things that should be kept in mind always:

1)Practise practise practise!
Hard work will always pay off. There is no substitute for hard work! Be self-disciplined and ignore distractions to practise effectively.

2)Listen listen listen!
Listen to your own sound and compare it with a professional musician's sound. Work on developing your sound, and aim for the best sound you can ever make with your instrument. Remember to listen to videos/recordings of professional musicians! (if you don't know any pro musicians, you can ask Mr Koh)

Strive only for the best articulation(tonguing: say "toh"), best sound, and be the best that you can be in the band. If you're not serious and disciplined in music, then you are already a bad musician from the start.

11:02 PM