Pioneer Concert Band
Pioneer Concert Band was formed in year 1999, starting off as a military band. The Band's motto, "Pioneering Great Music", has been the driving force of the band behind its successes through the years. Currently under the baton of Mr Sebastian Koh, Pioneer Concert Band aspires to bring together passionate musicians and scale the greater heights of music, as one band.
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Sunday, December 27, 2009

Hey guys,
We need some people to do the banners and flyers!
It has to be done in january!!
So if you can come , please meet us at !choir room! at about 12 or later than that ( but don't be too late ) to about 4pm on Wednesday.
But first , tag at the tagboard so that to know who is coming :).

Let's do it as one band ! .

-Wj &D -

10:20 PM

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Hey guys, this is my last post (I guess),

Thank you for all the good times we had in band together, and all the nice memories you have left me with till today.

I hope you guys will continue to work as hard as you are now, and strive to be the best band ever!
I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT, THE TEACHERS KNOW YOU CAN DO IT, so now its all up to you to make your mark on the band scene in Singapore.
Who knows, one day, you might even become a famous band known worldwide for your great music.
Remember to always stay true to your passion, playing beautiful music, and be the best that you can be, no matter what instrument you play.
Although at times band practices may be frustrating and sometimes even boring, just do it!
Don't give up on band, and don't ever ever give up on yourself!
"When the going gets tough, the tough get going."

8:10 PM