Pioneer Concert Band
Pioneer Concert Band was formed in year 1999, starting off as a military band. The Band's motto, "Pioneering Great Music", has been the driving force of the band behind its successes through the years. Currently under the baton of Mr Sebastian Koh, Pioneer Concert Band aspires to bring together passionate musicians and scale the greater heights of music, as one band.
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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Hi guys , finally schl has re-opened & CCA Fair is coming up ! As you all know , this year's Sec 1 isnt much. So we have to work doubly hard during our performance for CCA Fair . :) Hope you guys have been practising your pieces. Let's do our part & work hard together to recruit more juniors this year ! So nxt year , the juniors can teach , while we slack ! Just kidding . :X

11:13 PM